Every HOA is different in it's management needs. We will meet with you and determine your association's needs and customize a management proposal specific to those needs. Below are some of the services we provide:
Book keeping
Financial Services
*Monthly reconciliation of all bank accounts
*Payables and check disbursements
*Attend all monthly meetings
Deed Restriction Management
Monthly inspections of community
All communications with the homeowners
Be the liaison between the Board and the attorneys/homeowners
Architectural Control Services
Handle complete processing of ACC submissions from receipt to response
Provide the homeowners with all information required by the HOA for improvements
to their property
Clubhouse Rental Management Services
Handle all request to use the facility
Maintain a current log of dates the facility is in use
Handle all rental deposits and rental fees
Management Services
Coordinate all Board meetings
Coordinate all Annual Board meetings
Provide the Board with comprehensive packages for meetings
Prepare minutes from each meeting
Provide a website for each community
Mail "Welcome Packages" to all new residents
Maintain all corporate records in compliance with the Texas Property Code
Be the liaison with contractors, consultants and government officials
Provide secure online payments of HOA fees for all residents